Individual, Couple, and Family Therapy
The primary services currently available at Connective Counseling are individual, couple, and family therapy. The office is easily accessible, safe, and comfortable.  You will find the therapy experience to be supportive, respectful, and effective so that you and your loved ones can grow and make the desired changes in your life.  If you have any questions about services, please call or e-mail with questions.

Connective Counseling is committed to providing current family life education for relational, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing. I believe that treatment is valuable and education is essential for overall health and wellness. Education empowers individuals through knowledge so they may act and choose a course of mental and physical well being.

Systemic Treatment Collaboration
In addition to therapeutic services and educational outreach, Connective Counseling is interested in building collaborative partnerships toward improved mental and physical health. Health & wellness is best achieved if specialized professionals work collaboratively through supportive partnerships with other community members, spiritual leaders and health professionals.

If you provide any type of human service or work as an individual or organization for the emotional, physical, or spiritual wellness of individuals or families, please feel free to contact me so that we may explore a way to be mutually supportive in Columbus and Franklin County.

Treatment experience includes:

  • Child/Adolescent Counseling
  • Parenting and Family Issues
  • Attachment issues and Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Relationship Problems
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Trauma and PTSD
  • Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and other Mood Disorders
  • Self-Harm
  • Body Image Issues and Eating Disorders
  • Aspberger Syndrome
  • Substance abuse and Addiction problems
  • Major Life Transitions
  • Medical and Health concerns
  • Grief and Loss
  • Anger Management
  • Work and Career issues
  • Stress Management